Fall Recreational League
Our Fall Recreational program emphasizes soccer skill development, and fun through game play and practice sessions. Open to all children in Pre-K through 8th grade.
8 weeks of play beginning September 7, 2024.
Saturday games
$95; $89 for USA (Pre-K & K) division. Family discount of 25% for three or more registrations.
Pre-K - 8th grade (4 years old by Dec. 1, 2024)
Pre-K & K will receive a t-shirt & ball*; grades 1-8 will receive a uniform kit (jersey, shorts & socks) *see below for additional uniform details
We need coaches, please consider volunteering!

USA: Pre-K and K. Players must be 4 years old by Dec. 1, 2023. Co-Ed.
North American (NA): Players entering Grades 1 & 2 in the Fall. Co-Ed.
South American (SA): Players entering Grades 3 & 4. Boys-only/Girls-only teams.
European (Euro): Players entering Grades 5 & 6. Boys-only/Girls-only teams.
World: Players entering Grades 7 & 8. Co-Ed.
Pre-K & K; Saturday play, once assigned will not change wk-wk
Grades 1- 8; Saturday play game times can vary from wk-wk
*All schedules subject to change based on field availability
Saturdays beginning September 7th:
Saturday 9/7
Saturday 9/14
Saturday 9/21
Saturday 9/28
Saturday 10/5
Saturday 10/12
Saturday 10/19
Saturday 10/26
All Ages:
Shin guards
Cleats recommended
3rd Grade & Up:
Shin guards
Ball Sizes:
USA size 3*
North America size 3
SA size 4
Euro size 4
World size 5
General Information​
Player Drop-offs: There will be NO player drop-offs allowed near the crosswalk as it creates a traffic jam and is very dangerous for the kids. Please instruct your parents to park around the opposite side of the Complex’s Field 1 (Field on your right as you pull into the complex) – USA games are played on the side of Field 1 furthest from the pavilion, so this is a good place to park anyway (see diagram).
Garbage: Please make sure that you and all of your children/players/parents pick up their garbage after each game and dispose of it properly. We have a great soccer complex; please help us to keep it clean.
Background Checks: Absolutely no adults are allowed on the sidelines or field with the players unless they have successfully completed the background check located on the Latham Soccer website. If you identify a parent(s) that you would like to assist you during the games, please have them register to help online – this will then require a background check.
NO Dogs Allowed at the North Colonie Soccer Complex as per Town of Colonie rules. Only service dogs are allowed.
Have a great season and thank you for all of your help!

Questions? Contact our Rec. Director at lcscrecsoccer@gmail.com