Latham Circle Soccer Club is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the
Latham/Colonie Knights of Columbus Council 3394 "2022 Soccer Challenge" on
October 22, 2022, from 9:00AM to 1:00PM at the North Colonie Soccer Complex. The Soccer Challenge is open to boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (age cut off August 31). Trophies will be awarded to 1st place participants for both boys and girls and medals will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place. A boy and girl from each age group that places first has the opportunity to move on to the District Championship in October, and if successful can continue to move on to the Regional and State Championship.
Details of the day’s shootout:
Start time: 9:00am to 1:00PM or present registered shooter:
Boys and girls age 9-14 years old will shoot for a chance to place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their age group.
This year, Boys and girls in any age group can shoot from 9:00am to 1:00PM. The shootout will end once the last registered shooter has finished. Note: Please register early!
Registered shooter is a player that has filled out their application and it has been handed in.
Awards are given after all tie breakers. We will be starting with age 9-10,11-12,13-14.
Note: All PLACING COMPETITORS MUST BE PRESENT AT AWARD TIME, AND FOR THE TIE BREAKER ROUND, or risk being disqualified or bumped in placement.
Free to all participants. We are asking for a two-food item donation per contestant for the local food pantry. Thank you!
Pre-registration is preferred; Please visit our website or click on this link to login and register for the Soccer Challenge www.lathamsoccer.org from there click on the login button to register.
Used soccer equipment:
We are collecting used soccer equipment so that all boys and girls can have the opportunity to enjoy this great sport. Please consider donating your child's lightly used equipment and help us give a young boy or girl this opportunity.
More Information:
Please contact Rene Mullen at MullenRWM@gmail.com (Chairman of the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge)
The Soccer Challenge will consist of 15 penalty kicks from the 12-yard line.
Points will be awarded depending on the area of the scoring zones (sections of the goal) through which the ball passes. The shooter can score 20 points, 10 points or 5 points depending on the area of the goal hit. Normal rules for penalty kicks apply, penalty kick violations include stepping on or over the line prior to the kick, and any contact made with the ball counts as a kick. The highest score wins a placement of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, judges and scorers are given final authority in verifying all scores and violations. Competitors tied for highest score must be present at the end of the shootout to compete in successive rounds until a winner emerges for each age group, age 9-10,11-12, and 13-14. Tie breaker round is 3 yards back from penalty kick line, each player gets three kicks to earn the highest score. If contestants are still tied then they will continue to take turns of 3 kicks each until a clear winner emerges. Failure to return for the tie breaker means disqualification, and the winner will be the player on the field. If both competitors fail to return the winner will be determined by the judges. Tie breakers may affect 2nd and 3rd place winners, so make sure you return to the field at the end of shootout for tie breakers and awards for your age group.