Sponsor Spring Recreation!
Sponsorship Opportunities for Saints FC
Recreational Soccer League Shirts
DEADLINE: March 20, 2024
Help support our soccer development program that puts players first. At Saints FC, we provide opportunities to develop our players' soccer IQ and support essential life skills in leadership, sportsmanship, and teamwork.
Your one-color logo will appear on the backs of all our Saints FC Spring rec. players' shirts
Your logo has the potential to get upwards of 1000 impressions a week during our 6-week
$200 per square. The more squares you buy, the larger your logo!
Send an email to lcscsaints@gmail.com with your one-color logo as a PNG, PDF, or JPG file.
Purchase via our:
Saints FC PayPal Account
Mail in Your Check, Payable to:
Latham Circle Soccer Club
P.O. Box 1606
Latham, NY, 12110
Attn: Fundraising

Sponsor Questions? Contact Deanna Wicklund at lcscsaints@gmail.com