Spring Recreational League
League participants will learn soccer skills, play games, and good sportsmanship, in a fun and positive environment.
Pre-K - 6th grade (4 years old by Dec. 1, 2024)
Spring Rec focuses on skills development; no travel players please. All divisions are co-ed.
Sat. games, April 26th – June 7th (No play on Memorial Day weekend)
Saints FC will provide game day jerseys
Bring your own soccer ball. *See below for required attire.
Please volunteer to coach your team!
USA: Pre-K and K, Co-Ed
NA: Grades 1 & 2, Co-Ed
* Shin guards & sneakers
SA: Grades 3 & 4, Co-Ed
Euro: Grades 5 & 6, Co-Ed
*Shin guards & cleats
Sat. April 26
Sat. May 3
Sat, May 10
Sat. May 17
Sat. May 31
Sat. June 7
8:30-9:45am: USA (Pre-K & K)
9:45-11:15am: SA (3rd & 4th)
11:15-12:30pm: NA (1st & 2nd)
12:30-2:00pm: Euro (5th & 6th)
Saints FC is volunteer-run. It takes all of us to make it successful for your child.
PLEASE volunteer to coach when you register!
General Information
Ball Sizes
USA size 3
North America size 3
SA size 4
Euro size 4
World size 5
Player Drop-offs: There will be NO player drop-offs allowed near the crosswalk as it creates a traffic jam and is very dangerous for the kids. Please instruct your parents to park around the opposite side of the Complex’s Field 1 (Field on your right as you pull into the complex) – USA games are played on the side of Field 1 furthest from the pavilion, so this is a good place to park anyway (see diagram).
Garbage: Please make sure that you and all of your children/players/parents pick up their garbage after each game and dispose of it properly. We have a great soccer complex; please help us to keep it clean.
Background Checks: Absolutely no adults are allowed on the sidelines or field with the players unless they have successfully completed the background check located on the Saints FC website. If you identify a parent(s) that you would like to assist you during the games, please have them register to help online – this will then require a background check.
Concession/Crosswalk: Coaches may be asked to help recruit a small number of adults to help in our concession stand and crosswalk. There is an online schedule that identifies time slots to fill. Please contact us with any questions or concerns that you might have, or if you’d like to become more involved in the Club in any way (e.g. making teams, coordinating volunteers, etc.).
Have a great season and thank you for all of your help!

Questions? Contact our Rec. Director at lcscrecsoccer@gmail.com